Vermont can lead nation in responsible growth
Burlington Free Press
Tuesday, May 20, 2003
By Thomas Hylton
A decade ago, supported by a journalism fellowship, I packed
my car and began searching for states trying to save their cities, towns,
and countryside.
Twelve months and 12,000 miles later, I found none doing
it better than Vermont. Years before Oregon drew growth boundaries and Maryland
embraced Smart Growth, Vermont began protecting its unique rural character
through Act 250.
Not only did Act 250 provide a citizen-run process to evaluate
and improve proposed development, its 10 review criteria helped educate Vermonters
about ways growth could enhance, rather than degrade, their state´s quality
of life. Vermont has taken other notable steps to protect its towns and countryside:
- The Housing and Conservation Board is the nation´s only agency to combine
affordable housing with open space preservation.
- Act 60, by increasing the proportion of state funding for local schools
from 30 percent to 72 percent, has reduced pressure on towns to chase after
new development simply to increase their tax base.
- The 1998 Downtown Bill, strengthened last year, provides incentives for
developers to rehabilitate buildings, including their upper stories, in
traditional downtowns and village centers.
Unfortunately, our nation seems addicted to sprawl,
and even Vermont has vast room for improvement. New residents and businesses
are mostly bypassing Vermont´s traditional centers, from Burlington to Bennington,
and spreading out their houses and buildings on large lots in rural areas.
Sprawling development has steadily eroded Vermont´s scenic landscapes and
increased car dependency, leading to traffic congestion and expansion of roads
and parking lots.
That´s why, over the last 20 years, the percentage of land
developed in Vermont has increased at more than twice the rate of its population
For all its virtues, Act 250 is reactive rather than pro-active.
Vermont needs to revisit and strengthen Act 200, its statewide planning law.
Otherwise, its traditional settlement pattern of lovely towns surrounded by
pristine open space will disappear. Here are some specific suggestions:
- Regional planning commissions should be directed to define growth areas
focused around traditional town and village centers. At the same time, all
towns should be required to enact or amend zoning laws to be consistent
with the established regional plan. (Currently, zoning in some towns is
not even consistent with their own plans.)
- The state government should limit funding for state buildings, transportation,
housing, and water and sewer lines to the designated growth areas.
- Development outside the growth areas should be restricted through a combination
of zoning, conservation easements, and a program of transferring development
rights from open land to established towns.
Vermont has made a good start by purchasing conservation easements that
protect 300 farms covering nearly 100,000 acres. In New Jersey, a state
agency protects the Pinelands, a million-acre expanse of sensitive environmental
lands, by allowing developers to purchase development credits from the owners
of open land to be used for new construction in designated traditional towns.
- Towns should be required to adopt zoning in growth areas that allows the
placement of houses, stores and offices within walking distance of each
other. Wisconsin has recently done this to reduce car dependency.
I live in a state with local government that´s even more
parochial than Vermont´s. Pennsylvania has 2,570 individual municipalities
with zoning powers. But it has one stellar example of effective regional planning.
Since 1993, Lancaster County, which leads the state in agriculture, has used
growth boundaries, agricultural zoning, and the purchase of conservation easements
to save farmland and keep its towns healthy. The country´s 60 municipalities
have cooperatively adopted growth boundaries around the city of Lancaster
and 12 satellite towns, and more than a third of the county is zoned strictly
for agriculture.
Sprawl is not inevitable. Vermont has an environmentally
sensitive culture and the finest network of Smart Growth non-profits in the
nation. With continued strong leadership, Vermont can set the national standard
for enlightened land use planning and community building.